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Miscellaneous Notes/Provisions

Section 15

  • The OSD, Discipline Board, or University authorities shall have the power to determine whether or not offenses not mentioned in this document shall be considered minor or major.
    • Section 15.1

    • Sanctions to be imposed on offenses not covered in this document shall be recommended by the OSD or Discipline Board to the VPAA without prejudice to the rights of students to due process.
    • Section 15.2

    • The sanction for offenses where there are properties damaged or persons injured (physically or emotionally) shall include replacement/restoration and/or restitution/compensation without prejudice to other sanctions under this policy under Art. VI.
    • Section 15.3

    • The sanction for offenses when there are stolen properties not returned or when returned have been substantially damaged or when money itself is stolen shall include replacement/restoration and/or restitution/compensation without prejudice to other sanctions under this policy under Art. VI.
    • Section 15.4

    • If applicable, students who have been sanctioned or undergone disciplinary action may be required to issue a written public apology.
    • Section 15.5

    • Violation of rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) duly implemented by the University shall be evaluated based on #12.1.1 above.
    • Section 15.6

    • Commission of any two major offenses within a semester/term shall place the sanctioned student (if applicable) on a Re-admission Probation status for the next semester/term.
    • Section 15.7

    • Students who are currently serving major disciplinary sanction and are qualified to receive honors/awards (academic, leadership, etc.) shall have the honors/awards forfeited/withdrawn/annulled/rescinded.
    • Section 15.8

    • Upon request of the office concerned, the OSD shall provide the information regarding the disciplinary record of the student recipient of awards.

Section 16

  • Offenses/Sanctions under unusual circumstances.
    • Section 16.1

    • Students enrolled in On-the-Job Training (OJT) are subject to the disciplinary process implemented by the training company for violating the company policies/rules/regulations. However, once an official report is forwarded to the University, the latter’s disciplinary procedures shall be used to evaluate the matter. If found guilty, the sanction shall be served immediately despite the training.
    • Section 16.2

    • Students undergoing OJT who have been penalized by their training companies for breaking company policies/rules/regulations shall not anymore undergo the University’s disciplinary process.
    • Section 16.3

    • The disciplinary record of students undergoing OJT provided by the training company to the University shall be entered into her/his school records.
    • Section 16.4

    • Students undergoing OJT but found guilty of breaking University rules/regulations while in its premises shall be meted out sanction effective immediately despite the training.
    • Section 16.5

    • Offenses committed by students during off-campus University-sponsored activities (field trips, extension projects, junior-senior proms, outreach activities, etc.) or while officially attending activities (seminars, competitions, sports/cultural events, etc.) sponsored by other entities shall be evaluated on the strength of the official report or complaint submitted to the OSD by the concerned third-parties. If the wrongdoing is caught in the act (in flagrante delicto) by any University authority, the disciplinary proceedings shall be acted upon promptly without prejudice to due process.
    • Section 16.6

    • Students undergoing OJT who were found guilty of using social media, mobile phones, and other communication devices to post malicious and morally offensive content against any individual in the company, employee of the company, group of people in the company, or the company itself, where the student is undergoing the OJT, shall not be allowed to continue the training and may be given a grade of DROPPED.
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Section 17

  • Consequences to Disciplinary Actions
  • Section 17.1

    • If warranted and applicable, students who have been sanctioned or undergone disciplinary action shall be required to see the Guidance Counselor immediately.

    Section 17.2

    • Regardless of the sanction imposed, the student respondent will not be readmitted to class, allowed to take the examination, proceed with the accomplishment of any assignment, or enroll without a certification from the OSD that the case has been investigated and that appropriate actions have been taken. The complainant shall be informed by the OSD of pertinent actions taken on the case.

    Section 17.3

    • Students who have been sanctioned or undergone disciplinary action shall be allowed to take a special exam only for any major examination missed.
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    Section 18.1

    • If a disciplinary proceeding (or investigation process) for a certain student accused of any offense may not be immediately pursued by reason of “end of term or semester,” then it shall be held in abeyance until the next term or semester shall have officially commenced, unless otherwise this temporary cessation of disciplinary process may impair the right of the parties to a speedy hearing, thereby compromising the ends of justice.

    Section 18.2

    • Any student found guilty of any offense whose sanction may not be served immediately by reason of “end of term or semester” shall be meted out the disciplinary action the following term or semester, which shall begin on the first day of the 2nd week after the first official day of classes, unless otherwise this temporary suspension of sanction implementation may impair the right of the offended party to a speedy and prompt administration of justice.

    Section 18.3

    • When sanctions, specifically suspension days, to be imposed on erring students do not have sufficient implementation time for valid reasons, then an equivalent community service may be served. In lieu of the community service, a corresponding extension project of the college where he/she belongs may be rendered. Days of service may be equivalent to the number of days of suspension or prorated depending upon the weight of the project.

    Section 18.4

        Section 18.4.1

      • A student who has been suspended but allowed to render community service is permitted to attend classes.
      • Section 18.4.2

      • The student’s request for community service shall be signed by both the student and her/his parent or guardian.
      • Section 18.4.3

      • The letter shall be submitted to the OSD prior to the effectivity of the sanction.
      • Section 18.4.4

      • The student shall be assigned by the OSD to her/his designated work area.
      • Section 18.4.5

      • The student is required to submit a Community Service Journal and a Certificate of Accomplishment from the office where she/he was assigned.

    Section 18.5

    • If a disciplinary proceeding conducted upon any graduating student accused of any offense shall extend beyond Graduation Day, the process shall be finished regardless whether he/she actually graduates or not. If found guilty, and the student has graduated, the sanction shall be to render community service corresponding to the extension project of the college where he/she belongs which may be equivalent to the number of days of suspension or prorated depending upon the weight of the project. If the student did not graduate but was found guilty, then the usual procedures for the implementation of the sanction shall be followed. The credentials of the erring student will be released after the suspension/community service has been served.

    Section 18.6

    • The matter of a major offense committed by any student who has just graduated but whose school credentials have not yet been obtained shall be considered as unusual, and the same shall be forwarded to higher authorities as an administrative case or a criminal offense for appropriate action. The OSD shall officially recommend that if the said student is found guilty, and he/she is a recipient of honors/awards (academic, leadership, scholarship, etc.), then these should be forfeited/withdrawn/annulled/rescinded.

    Section 18.7

    • In any disciplinary proceeding, settlement between the student respondent and the complainant may be pursued only if the offense involved is personal such as “acts of mischief or unjust vexation or provocation to a fight or physical injury” against any individual. This does not mean that the respondent, when found guilty, shall not be meted out disciplinary action. The matter of replacement/restoration and/or restitution/compensation to properties damaged or persons injured shall be settled.

    Section 18.8

    • In any disciplinary proceeding, if the complainant withdraws the complaint, the OSD or the Discipline Board reserves the right to pursue the case in the interest of the University and the University community and the public at large, especially if there is a semblance of coercive pressure from any third party against the complainant.
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