Policies and Procedures
The following guidelines lifted from Section 10 of the Policies and Procedures of the Office of Student Discipline—Proper Uniform, Dress Code, and Related Rules/Regulations shall be implemented.
- The students must wear clothes that adhere to the conventions of decency and good grooming.
- Upon entry to the University premises, unique students' QR Codes shall be scanned in the turnstile in lieu of the student Identification Card (ID).
- Due to the shortage of school uniforms, students can wear civilian clothes and appropriate footwear until such time that uniforms will be available.
However, wearing the following is strictly PROHIBITED while inside the University:
- 10.8.1 Slippers of any material, kind, or form within University premises;
- 10.8.2 Caps/hats inside the building/classroom;
- 10.8.3 Torn pants, shirts, etc.;
- 10.8.4 Improper, vulgar, and similarly offensively-designed pants, shirts, etc.;
- 10.8.5 Spaghetti-strapped, sleeveless, haltered, see-through blouses; midriffs; tube, backless; plunging necklines;
- 10.8.6 Sando/sleeveless shirts;
- 10.8.7 Skirts with slits reaching the upper thighs; micro-mini skirts;
- 10.8.8 Shorts, walking shorts;
- 10.8.9 Leggings or tights;
- 10.8.10 Heavy make-up, except when there are cultural and other related activities;
- 10.8.11 Flashy hairstyles (ostentatious/vulgar, bold hairstyle) and loud hair colors (burgundy, blonde, etc.);
- 10.8.12 Wearing multiple earrings, large or sharp, pointed accessories, plug earrings/piercing, or large/sharp/pointed accessories that may cause harm (earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces);
- 10.8.13 Accessories face/body piercing;
- 10.8.14 Skin tattoos with vulgar design, image, and undertone;
- 10.8.15 Cross-dressing;
- 10.9 Students may have haircuts of thier choice but should ensure that they maintain natural hair color, or dyed black or brown. Additionally, students enrolled in programs or courses with specific hair grooming requirements(e.g., hair buns or the use of hairness) are required to comply with those regulations.
- 10.10 P.E. uniforms are allowed only on days with scheduled P.E. classes.

Why Should You Care?
- Upholds the school's academic standards.
- Maintains fairness for all students.
- Prepares you for the professional world where honesty and integrity are valued.
Section 14
For offenses
- 1st offense: Grade of zero (0) in the test/exam/requirement and one-day (1) suspension.
- 2nd offense: Failure in the subject or academic requirement and three-day (3) suspension.
- 3rd offense: Failure in the subject or academic requirement and Non-readmission.
For offenses
- 1st offense: Grade of zero (0) in the test/exam/requirement and one-day (1) suspension.
- 2nd offense: Failure in the subject or academic requirement and three-day (3) suspension.
- 3rd offense: Failure in the subject or academic requirement and Non-readmission.
Section 14.1
Use of mobile phones during examinations.
Section 14.2
Talking with one another during examinations.
Section 14.3
Assisting or dictating answers to fellow examinees.
Section 14.4
Possession or passing of lecture notes or any materials during examination.
Section 14.5
Receiving information related to the exam from outside the examination room.
Section 14.6
Facilitating/aiding in the dissemination of leakage.
Section 14.7
Buying or selling of test questionnaires/papers or any portion thereof.
Section 14.8
Copying from or allowing another to copy from one’s examination paper.
Section 14.9
Use of improvised or covert means/devices to carry out a cheating act during examination.
Section 14.10
Having somebody else take the examination on his/her behalf.
Section 14.11
Passing as one’s work any assigned report, case analysis, reaction paper, experiment report, laboratory report, research homework, term paper, thesis, projects, and the like when copied from another.
Section 14.12
Asking another person to attend a symposium, seminar, or exam on his/her behalf.
Section 14.13
Plagiarism in connection with any academic work.
Section 14.14
Misdeeds “caught in the act” or reported by the faculty, student, or any member of the University community which may be determined by the OSD or Discipline Board as academic dishonesty after due process.
Section 14.15
Any instance of offense: Four-day (4) suspension to Non-readmission.